Tuesday, January 29, 2008
mY swEetY aNd mY hERo
aRen't tHOse eLsie softie FRAMes jusT tHe bEST?????
i fiNaLLy goT oNe oF mY laYouts foR tHe deViLish scRApalicious
chaLlenge ovER at fLickr donE!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
scraP iT liKe iT's hot..
tHe PETIT PUNCH group art journal layout nr. 2!!!
oh.. aNd hERe is mY seCond paGe in MY ART jOURnaL! hoW exciting! i Am so fiNding a nEW siDe on mE! aNd i aLso juST figuReD ouT tHat i aLways been a SCRapBooker.. juST tHat mY laYouts wHere on mY waLL! aNd in sOme jOUrnaLs! As You caN seE oN oNe oF tHose piCS!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
30 daYs oF craFtiNg
mY friEnd Manon opeNed uP a nEw grOup oVer aT fLickr.. caLLed
30 daYs oF crAfting! aNd thIs laYout heRE iS mY firSt daY crAFt!
i gOt inPirEd bY tHe crEatinG keePsaKes maGaziNe tO dO tHis laYout.. goT aLL mY
scrAppiEces frOm mY dEsk tOegetHer aNd gLueD tHem on My laYout.. i eVen triEd tO noT cuT tHem at aLL.. wAs a FuN cHaLLenge aNd gOt mY spaCe cLeaNed uP!@!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
i haVe a Lot of sCRApbooKing tO sHare..
loVe tHose caRds.. gOt tHem frOm mY siSter iN yEsterdaYs maiL!!
..aNd i aLso loVe tHe poppy ink kit frOm noVember!!
BUT tHe gREATes frOm aLL kiTs.. iS... SWEET sPuDS!
JaNuARy rOcks soooo muCh! i lOve it! tHe cOLors aRE juST
the waY i loVe it..
i joiNed tHe Petit Punch group oVer aT flickr.. aNd thEy haVe cHaLLenges
goiNg in oRder tO woRk oN a ARt jOUrNaL.. aNd tHis is mY coVer!
Friday, January 11, 2008
wHat dO yOu tHink???
wHat dO yOU tHink?? gOod ideA.. sTuPid??? dO yOU hAve a diFFereNt iDEa??? i juST wAntEd tO cOme uP wiTh sOmetHing fUn aNd yOung aNd tHe oPPosIte oF cOnserVatiVe.. cAuSE theRE ARe sO maNy SeNior pIctuRE tAkER ouT tHere wHere You Can gEt tHose usuaL SEnior pics wiTh tHe footBall helMet, tHe cHeerLeadIng drEss, oN a cHair aNd sO on.. bUt i WAnna maKe More unuSuaL onEs..
so pLEaSE pLEasE HELP mE!!! fiNd tHe riGht naMe tHat dOesN't eMbarrESs mY siSTer iN Law!