Sunday, January 20, 2008

30 daYs oF craFtiNg

created wiTh tHe poPPy iNk kiT frOm jaNuaRy

mY friEnd Manon opeNed uP a nEw grOup oVer aT fLickr.. caLLed

30 daYs oF crAfting! aNd thIs laYout heRE iS mY firSt daY crAFt!

i gOt inPirEd bY tHe crEatinG keePsaKes maGaziNe tO dO tHis laYout.. goT aLL mY
scrAppiEces frOm mY dEsk tOegetHer aNd gLueD tHem on My laYout.. i eVen triEd tO noT cuT tHem at aLL.. wAs a FuN cHaLLenge aNd gOt mY spaCe cLeaNed uP!@!!

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For my grandpa... miss you so...