Wednesday, January 23, 2008

scraP iT liKe iT's hot..

i aM so in LoVE wiTh tHe scarLet liME kiT cLub.. tHeir mAin aNd thE dEsigNer kiT wHer botH tHe.... BEST! yOu so haVe to cHeck the kiT cLub ouT.. buT huRRy tHeY aLwaYs seLL ouT before EVeN aiRing tHe kiTS!

tHe PETIT PUNCH group art journal layout nr. 2!!!

oh.. aNd hERe is mY seCond paGe in MY ART jOURnaL! hoW exciting! i Am so fiNding a nEW siDe on mE! aNd i aLso juST figuReD ouT tHat i aLways been a SCRapBooker.. juST tHat mY laYouts wHere on mY waLL! aNd in sOme jOUrnaLs! As You caN seE oN oNe oF tHose piCS!

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For my grandpa... miss you so...