hi eVerYone..
jUst tHe oTher wEEk i pLacEd a bLogviSit tRacKer oN mY bLogs.. fOr fUn aNd caUse i WAS kInda cuRioUs iF i aM aLone hERe taLking tO mYseLf or iF aCtUaLLy sOmeboDy viSits mY paGes.. aNd i kiNda fiGured oUt tHat YES tHere aRe sOme peOpLe wHo rEad wHat i Write.. iT's nOt qUite aS crOwdEd aS eLsie'S pAGe, bUt oH weLL i cAn unDerSTanD tHat! lol
bUt wHat i Am trYinG tO saY waS tHat I cOuLd sEE tHat peOpLe cOme aNd cHeck oUt tHis side aNd tHe "..und nu alle mal ganz freundlich" piCtUre siDe bUt not mY acTual bLog.. (tHat kIndA teLls eVerYthIng, dOesn't iT??? "SHUT UP aNd sHow tHe laYouts, Anne") sO Now i Am aSKing You... tHe rEAder.. lol! sHouLd i maYbe cLose tHe bLog toTallY aNd jUsT wriTe eVerYtHing oN tHe 'scRAp the Night AWAy' paGe aNd juST keep tHe Photgraphy siDe eXtra??? LeT mE knOw wHat yOU tHink???
aNd nOw..
i dO hAve tHe gReaT hONor tO dO sOme oF mY siSTer iN laWs seNioR piCtuRes tHis yEar aNd cAuse i Am HopiNg seCreTly tHat i wiLL sOmeDAy bE abLe tO maKe a sMaLL siDe bUsiNess oUt oF this, aRe tHOse piCturES vERy imPorTant tO mE... tHeY wiLl hoPefuLly aTraCt sOme nEw cUstOmers aNd tHat's Why i nEEd a bUsiNess naMe oR pHotogRAphER NamE or wHat tHe heck yOU caLL it..
i tHOugt abOUt *yOu rOcK* photograpy as sHown iN tHis piCtuRe
wHat dO yOU tHink?? gOod ideA.. sTuPid??? dO yOU hAve a diFFereNt iDEa??? i juST wAntEd tO cOme uP wiTh sOmetHing fUn aNd yOung aNd tHe oPPosIte oF cOnserVatiVe.. cAuSE theRE ARe sO maNy SeNior pIctuRE tAkER ouT tHere wHere You Can gEt tHose usuaL SEnior pics wiTh tHe footBall helMet, tHe cHeerLeadIng drEss, oN a cHair aNd sO on.. bUt i WAnna maKe More unuSuaL onEs..
so pLEaSE pLEasE HELP mE!!! fiNd tHe riGht naMe tHat dOesN't eMbarrESs mY siSTer iN Law!
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