Tuesday, January 15, 2008

i haVe a Lot of sCRApbooKing tO sHare..

crEAted wiTh tHe dozens kiT!!! i LooooVeeee iT!

loVe tHose caRds.. gOt tHem frOm mY siSter iN yEsterdaYs maiL!!

..aNd i aLso loVe tHe poppy ink kit frOm noVember!!

BUT tHe gREATes frOm aLL kiTs.. iS... SWEET sPuDS!

JaNuARy rOcks soooo muCh! i lOve it! tHe cOLors aRE juST

the waY i loVe it..

i joiNed tHe Petit Punch group oVer aT flickr.. aNd thEy haVe cHaLLenges

goiNg in oRder tO woRk oN a ARt jOUrNaL.. aNd tHis is mY coVer!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

wow!! you've been busy makin stuff =) Thanks for stopping by my blog!! =)

For my grandpa... miss you so...