Thursday, March 20, 2008

i know i know..

this has nothing to do with Scrapbooking.. but i need to post that video so bad! Thomas Godoj from Germany search for the Superstar or whatever you wanna call it DSDS! I've never been actually a fan of that show but this guy makes me wanna watch it every week. Too bad i live in the USA, so i watch his performance over YOU TUBE! Thank god for the internet!
And I am a fan.. already! His CD, whenever it will come is already bought by me!
Please check him out... he is the greatest! ever...


Enni said...

I totally agree. ;)

But there's no need to look up millions of videos at YouTube in order to find the best. You can watch the whole show on net: RTLnow

It should be uploaded at latest on Monday mornings.

Tom rulez!

Greetz from Germany. Enni

PS: May be you want to join my small group of fans? Feel free to do so: Tomaddicts *g*

anne_rausminiu said...

ohh mein gott.. du hast mir grad meinen tag verschönert! daannkeee!

For my grandpa... miss you so...