Saturday, February 9, 2008

just a little to share today!!!

Cause i am leaving for germany on monday i have so many things to do that my creativity kinda got lost on the way this week.. but finally i got something done. these are my resolutions for 2008 for the PETIT PUNCH group on flickr.

Monday, February 4, 2008

mY graNdpa mY hERo

cREated fOr tHe *dEviLisH*sCrapaLiciOus* groUp oVer aT flICkr

Friday, February 1, 2008

Music makes the people come together

i aM soooo eXcitEd.. miKaeLa frOm the music makes people come together blog asked me to get inspired by one of her awesomly picked videos along with a couple of other great great artists... and what caN i saY i goT insPired... soooo mUCH!!! i had to maKe tWo laYouts instEad oF oNe!
If You waNNa gEt insPired tOO... gO aNd cHeck hER fanTAstic bLog out!

For my grandpa... miss you so...