Thursday, December 6, 2007


cHAllEnge #1

i OPened a NeW grOUP in Flickr fOr FREestyle scrapboOKing and aLL thE otHer fUN stUFF arounD iT! aND i THougHT it wOULD be FUN iF i WouLD pOST somE ChaLLEngES oncE iN a WhiLe.. tHIs HeRE WaS tHE "creATe a MINibOOk aBoUT whAT YoU wOULd dO On a SNowdAY" aND THoSE piCTures HerE aRE froM tHE fIRsT twO pagES of mY miNIaLBum!!


Mikaela said...

This minibook is sooo cool! Love it!

Unknown said...

this is so cute!! love the mini!!

For my grandpa... miss you so...